'I want to become a pharmacist, to help my sick parents’. The story of the Demetrius family, a family with diabetes.
‘I want to become a pharmacist, to help my sick parents, to explain everything on the doctor's prescription to them’
‘I want to become a pharmacist, to help my sick parents, to explain everything on the doctor's prescription to them’
I met Iulia in 2015, at the first Yuppi camp dedicated to teenagers with cancer or autoimmune or serious diseases. She had long blonde hair and big brown eyes.
How can you take care of your biggest dream? Helen and Francis tried for a baby for nine years.
Dianne was just a two-month-old baby when she was diagnosed with leukaemia.
"I don't wish anyone the moment you find out your child has diabetes. It was an absolute shock. I was devastated, I felt like the sky had fallen on me.
Până la șase ani am fost mai năzdrăvan, apoi boala m-a făcut mai introvertit...