Donate 20%

Support Yuppi Camp with 20% of your profit tax, FREELY, reducing your tax owed to the state!
Year 2024

Sponsorship within the limit of 20% of the profit tax.

Year 2023

From 2024. July 25th this option is no longer available.

Donate 20% of your tax to Yuppi Camp!

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I want to become a pharmacist, to help my sick parents

‘I want to become a pharmacist, to help my sick parents, to explain everything on the doctor's prescription to them’, says Alexa, a 9-year-old participant of the Family Camp for children with diabetes and their parents.

Dan and Simone, Alexa's parents, have been living with diabetes for more than 20 years. When they found out that their daughter also had diabetes, they weren't too surprised. However, this didn’t make the moment of diagnosis, and everything that followed, any easier.

‘We didn't expect it to happen at such a young age, at just 10 months old. We felt a sense of guilt that this happened’.

‘When our daughter was diagnosed, we didn't have access to sensors, insulin pumps, we didn't have the financial means. We had to make superhuman efforts to ensure she had the best possible life. There were many times when my wife and I needed blood glucose tests, but we didn't use them because Alexa needed them, too. Many times, we sacrificed our needs for her...’, Dan confides.

The free Yuppi Camp is the first time the Demetrius family has been able to relax. ‘Never, since Alexa was born, have we been able to be somewhere without being on alert. Here, for the first time, we were able to relax, knowing that our daughter is in good hands. It was something amazing for us. And at Yuppi they've thought of us adults, too, helping us to create our own moments, our own carefree experiences’, Dan shares.

Chronically ill children and their parents never take a break from the illness, even though they really need one. For many families, the Yuppi Camp is the only place where they can take a breath of fresh air in all their suffering. This year, their last chance for this is during the Family Weekend, held between 27-29 September. Help them get there!

Offer moments without the worry of illness for these families:

Thank you for supporting each and every Yuppi Camp participant! Only with YOUR help can we offer days without the worry of illness!

About the support type

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Support Yuppi Camp with 20% of your profit tax, FREELY, reducing your tax owed to the state.

The Sponsorship Law and the Fiscal Code allow commercial companies paying profit tax to offer sponsorships to non-profit entities such as associations. The sponsorship offered will be deducted from the tax due to the state within the limit of:

• 20% of the profit tax and 0.5% of the turnover, in the case of profit tax payers

• 20% of the profit/ income tax, with retroactive effect for the year 2023 (if the sponsorships made in 2023 did not reach the maximum ceiling established by law)

For details, please consult the explanatory material under the tax details button and contact us (0765450154) to sign the sponsorship contract, which you will need when paying the tax.

About the support type

Year 2024

Use the button below, complete the contact and transfer the desired amount to the Association's account by the 30th of December.

Contract form Tax details Declaration 107

For companies paying tax on profit

Sponsorship expenses are deducted from the tax on profit, within the limit of 20% of it, but not more than 7.5‰ (per thousand) of the turnover. The difference of 80% of the tax due will be transferred to the state budget, according to the terms provided by the tax code. Sponsorships can be deducted quarterly (for example, sponsorships paid until the 30th of March can be deducted, within the limits specified above, from the payment tax, on the 25th of April) or annually (sponsorships made during a fiscal year will be deducted, within the legal limits, from the payment tax, on the 25th of March of the following year).

For PFAs

PFAs may incur deductible sponsorship expenses up to 5% of the net income, determined as the difference between gross income and deductible expenses other than sponsorship expenses.

Year 2023

From 2024. July 25th this option is no longer available.

Contract form Tax details Declaration 177

Declaration 177 can be submitted before, or together with the annual profit tax declaration, which date has been regulated by GEO 153/2020, art. 1, point 13, letr. a ‘for taxpayers paying profit tax, by way of derogation from the provisions of art. 41 and 42 of the Fiscal Code, the deadline for submitting the annual profit tax declaration and paying the profit tax for the respective fiscal year is until June 25 of the following year inclusive’.

Thus, if you made deductible sponsorships in 2023, but did not reach the maximum ceiling established by law (maximum 20% of profit tax, but no more than 0.75‰ of turnover), you have the opportunity to submit Declaration 177 to ANAF until the 25th of June, by which you request that the sponsorship difference up to the maximum ceiling, remaining unallocated, be redirected to us.

The same declaration can be submitted by companies that have not made any tax-deductible sponsorships for the year 2023.

The process is very simple, a sponsorship contract is signed between the company and the Association, specifying the exact amount, as it appears from the accounting calculations; Declaration 177 is completed with the same amount, and submitted to ANAF. From that moment, ANAF has 45 days to process and transfer the amount to us.

See how we spent the money

Download our annual reports and learn more about the past years!

For more information please contact us!

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Kapdebo Eliz

Corporate Fundraiser